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  • 1break fast

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >break fast

  • 2fast

    - pull a fast one

    Large English-Russian phrasebook >fast

  • 3break one's fast

    'нарушить пост', перестать поститься; перекусить, позавтракать (отсюда breakfast завтрак)

    The coffee steamed upon the fire, and altogether the odours were so mixed and appetising, that Wilson began to yearn for food to break his fast which had lasted since dinner the day before. (E. Gaskell, ‘Mary Barton’, ch. 6) — Кофе кипел на плите, и все эти вкусные запахи так возбуждали аппетит, что у Джорджа Уилсона, не евшего со вчерашнего обеда, потекли слюнки.

    To say the truth, I had promised myself to break my fast in the pavilion, and hunger began to prick me sharply. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘New Arabian Nights’, ‘The Pavilion on the Links’) — По правде говоря, я намеревался позавтракать в павильоне и начал уже испытывать муки голода.

    Isn't it about time you broke your fast and gave up this slimming business? — Не пора ли вам перестать поститься, бросить эту затею с похудением?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook >break one's fast

  • 4break one's fast

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >break one's fast

  • 5break the fast

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >break the fast

  • 6break one's fast

    Новый англо-русский словарь >break one's fast

См. также в других словарях:

  • break´fast er — break fast «BREHK fuhst», noun, verb. –n. the first meal of the day. –v.i. to eat breakfast: »I like to breakfast alone. –v.t. to provide with breakfast; entertain at breakfast: »The hotel regularly breakfasts 400 people. ╂[< break1 + fast2]… … Useful english dictionary

  • break fast — «BREHK fuhst», noun, verb. –n. the first meal of the day. –v.i. to eat breakfast: »I like to breakfast alone. –v.t. to provide with breakfast; entertain at breakfast: »The hotel regularly breakfasts 400 people. ╂[< break1 + fast2]… … Useful english dictionary

    If you download this game you'll have the chance to get on board one of these trucks and drive around the roads of Germany and Austria showing off your vehicle. German truck simulator 2010 download Drive your truck around German and Austrian roadsIt is a truck simulator that will allow you to travel around these Central European countries discovering their cities and landscapes. Your dream is now a lot nearer thanks to German Truck Simulator.

  • Break fast — A break fast is the meal eaten after Jewish fast days such as Yom Kippur and Tisha B Av. During a Jewish fast, no food or drink is consumed, including bread and water. The major fasts last over 25 hours, from before sundown on the previous night… … Wikipedia

  • break fast — eat after a period of fasting, eat after a period of not eating … English contemporary dictionary

  • break´fast less — break fast «BREHK fuhst», noun, verb. –n. Superpower 2 corruption 2017. the first meal of the day. –v.i. to eat breakfast: »I like to breakfast alone. –v.t. to provide with breakfast; entertain at breakfast: »The hotel regularly breakfasts 400 people. ╂[< break1 + fast2]… … Useful english dictionary

  • To break fast — Break Break (br[=a]k), v. t. [imp. {broke} (br[=o]k), (Obs. {Brake}); p. p. {Broken} (br[=o] k n), (Obs. {Broke}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Breaking}.] [OE. breken, AS. brecan; akin to OS. brekan, D. breken, OHG. brehhan, G. brechen, Icel. braka to creak … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fast break — is an offensive strategy in basketball. In a fast break, a team attempts to move the ball up court and into scoring position as quickly as possible, so that the defense is outnumbered and does not have time to set up.In a typical fast break… … Wikipedia

  • Break — (br[=a]k), v. t. [imp. {broke} (br[=o]k), (Obs. {Brake}); p. p. {Broken} (br[=o] k n), (Obs. {Broke}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Breaking}.] [OE. breken, AS. brecan; akin to OS. brekan, D. breken, OHG. brehhan, G. brechen, Icel. braka to creak, Sw. braka … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • break — bar·ley·break; break; break·age; break·er·man; break·fast·less; break·ing; break·less; house·break·er; mul·ti·break; pre·break; break·even; break·able; break·er; break·fast; house·break; cane·break; heart·break·ing·ly; jaw·break·ing·ly; … English syllables

  • fast — bel·fast; break·fast·less; fast; fast·en s; fast·ern s; fast·ish; fast·land; fast·ly; fast·nacht; fast·ness; hold·fast·ness; house·fast; light·fast·ness; ne·fast; shame·fast; stead·fast·ly; stead·fast·ness; wet·fast·ness; ul·tra·fast; break·fast; … English syllables

  • Fast break (disambiguation) — Fast break may refer to: *Fast break, an offensive strategy in basketball. *Fast Break (candy), a candy bar produced by The Hershey Company. *Fast Break (video game), released by Accolade in 1989. *Fast Break (film), A 1979 film starring Gabe… … Wikipedia


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