Champions Online Forum
House flipper gameplay. Buy, repair and remodel devastated houses. Give them a second life and sell them at a profit! ● Buy Discount Games up to 80% off: http://g2a.com/r/discountme. Ever wanted to be a real estate house agent? Make an honest living and try to earn millions by buying and selling houses in House Flip! In the domain of extraordinarily specialty sim diversions, House Flipper unquestionably feels like an easy decision. The idea of purchasing summary houses, enhancing them, and after that offering. House Flipper Free Download game alpha for PC. House Flipper is an enjoyable new sport by which you feel a-one-person remodeling team.
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CO - fun things I've seen
I'm thinking Champs Online is the game I've been waiting for. I cancelled WoW and Lotro, probably for good. The only thing I see CO needing now is more content, but that should come soon.Anyways, fun things I've seen:1. Early quest to help a Griswold get his vacation stuff.2. Other PC's.. - T
[CO] Retconning Straight to the Poorhouse
So at level 16 I decided I really could not stand one of my purchases for powers, but sadly it was many choices back. Now I am considerably weaker and still have quite a bit of resources to raise before I can afford the last two retcons..This is not fun.- Thread
- Replies: 27
- Forum: Video Games Open
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[CO] It made me reactivate my CoX account
I don't know what it is, but CO just doesn't do it for me. It seems to look even toonier than CoX and the setting seems to be equally 'four-color'. Also, I expected the powers would look much cooler, but so far this hasn't really been the case. Even though I like some of the new costume options.. [CO] So what are you going to do with Celestial?
Please, share with me your upcoming characters based on the upcoming powerset.- Thread
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Video Games Open
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[CO] Arggh! CO just simply refuses to work
Hi,After reading aout the excitement Champions Online was generating on these boards and having been a fan of the RPG many moons ago I purchased a copy from my local Game.Got it home and loaded it up. It simply will not work and I am..well, fed up!.I've entered my key and the Cryptic.. [CO] Labor Day Weekend Grond hunt!
I'm putting together a group hunt for Grond this weekend, for members of any of the RPGnet super groups. If there's enough interest, we'll get together and hunt down Grond, thus earning the admiration of the desert folks, and probably some Perk.Let me know what times are good for you if..- Thread
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Video Games Open
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Champs Online - any server probs?
I picked the game up, but I was wondering if I should wait a week or two before install. I know a lot of MMO's tend to have major server problems the first couple weeks. Has this been happening? - Y
[CO] Free Retcon for Head Start Players Announced!
Link to the thread in forums. Can also be found on the main page.http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=52867This makes me happy. I can make some much needed changes to a couple characters. Hopefully it won't take too long for them to figure out a way to do it. - S
[CO] Character Creation?
So, I've seen screenshots of completed character models, but I'm interested in how much customization is actually allowed.Can you change height/weight/build of the characters? Apparent age (as opposed to picking an 'old face')? How about costume parts- placement, or sheer number of 'icons'.. [CO]First patch, first week, ups, downs, and discussions
So, talking in the forum chat in-game, I figured I'll put this here as well.With the first patch, we saw a round of nerfs and some buffs(and some player powers got buffed as well as someone mentioned). This is a thread for the early-start folks(and others) to perhaps rant a bit about the bad..- W
[CO] Tips and questions
I think it might be nice to have one catch-all 'kibbitzing about how CO works' thread.I'll start with a question.. is it worth having more than one pet? Are they different enough? I THINK you can only have one out at a time.. is that true? - K
Sell me on CO
Hey, all. I've been hearing a lot lately about Champions Online, and while I never played the tabletop version, I've been looking to get my superhero on for a while, especially since I'm taking a break from WoW. So, tell me of this game, if you please. Some things I would like to know:What..- Thread
- Replies: 18
- Forum: Video Games Open
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Champions Online Roll Call
So for those who have started playing CO, what are your characters? I know this info is scattered around a few threads but we might as well collect it.I have lots of ideas but so far I have made:Night Templar- very much a Moon Knight character. Martial Arts with a hope to expand into some.. [CO] Big Bad Bug Hunt
The group will be assembling tonight and tomorrow to take part in the Qularr raids. This is your chance to whoop up on alien jerks with your pals in the SG. Totally don't miss it.The times:Saturday: 8PM CentralSunday: 8AM, Noon, 2PM, 6PM, 9PM Central.We'll be gathering at the north..- Thread
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Video Games Open
[CO] I Am A Moron (re: Early Start preorders)
Can a moron like me who JUST got paid still plunk down for the preorder online and get in? I'm assuming that the actual physical copies aren't arriving until Tuesday, so there's no just driving to Wal-Mart and ganking a copy.- Thread
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Video Games Open
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[CO] 6 month and lifetime subs back
From the Web site:Discounted Subscriptions Are Back!Posted by Daeke Earlier this week, we gave notice that we were running out of special Lifetime and 6-month promotional subscriptions. Within a day, the rest of our supply had been sold out, leaving a number of you confused and upset. The.. - T
CO - Early start?
I'm unfortunately really interested in this after playing the Beta a few days. All I can find is brick and mortar retailers for the early start, though -- GameStop, Best Buy, etc. Are there any online options that let you start playing the 28th? I'd prefer to just buy D2D or Steam, but neither.. - H
[CO] Supergroupin?
Maybe I'm missing it (and the search function is borked) but is there currently plans for an RPG.net centric SG come launch? - A
[CO] Beta Final Day Blowout Event!
From 10 AM to 11:58PM PST Destroids will be invading Millennium City. There will also be a few Dr Destroyer impersonators, and everyone who helps take down a Mega-Destroid will get a special action figure at launch.http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=37823&highlight=Beta+Event..- Thread
- Replies: 86
- Forum: Video Games Open
[CO] Character profile pages
With all of us mucking around in the beta, getting our fill or making our final purchase decisions, there hasn't been too terribly much talk of some of the more obscure social media features that they've integrated into the game. For one, the friends list and in-game mail are accessible right..- Thread
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Video Games Open

Champions-online.net TheGovernorPM i went onto your site to try register and download the game but the game came up with file is corupt and then when i tried to register all i could see was the boxes i couldnt see the username or password bit. Blackguards 2 guide.