Lords Of Waterdeep Expansions

Insert compatible with Lords of Waterdeep®, and Scoundrels of Skullport® expansion. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play.

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2-5 игроков

30-60 минут

Проблемы в Глубоководье никогда не заканчиваются: бандиты, разгневанные горожане, агенты Жентарима, подпольная криминальная империя Занатара, иллитидские интриги — для группы каноничных приключенцев (файтер, клирик, маг и вор) всегда найдется квест по силам и предпочтениям, за то мы и любим этот прекрасный город. В Lords of Waterdeep авторы предлагают посмотреть на ситуацию с противоположной стороны и поиграть за тех, кто выдает приключенцам задания и награды.

Вы — таинственные Лорды Глубоководья, мастера закулисных интриг и политической борьбы. Вам придется отправлять своих агентов в городские таверны, чтобы собирать партии приключенцев, заставлять их выполнять квесты и укреплять таким образом собственное влияние.

Правила игры и основные механики просты, как средний короткий меч (simple, 1d6, x2): в свой ход игрок ставит агента-мипла в одну из локаций на карте Глубоководья, получает соответствующие ресурсы, потом может выполнить квест и получить за него победные очки. Раунд заканчивается, когда все игроки поставят всех своих миплов, после чего миплы убираются с поля, и начинается новый раунд.

Стратегический элемент в игру привносит менеджмент ресурсов: на каждый квест нужна определенная комбинация цветных кубиков-приключенцев и золота; какие-то виды ресурсов более редки, и приходится балансировать между получением победных очков сейчас и в следующий ход. Немного случайности представлено скрытыми целями (каждый из лордов получает секретное задание: за определенный вид квестов будут давать бонусные очки в конце игры) и картами интриг: отправив агента в гавань, можно разыграть карту с мгновенным эффектом (обычно это возможность получить какие-то редкие ресурсы или подгадить оппонентам).

Базовая игра — настолько классический и аскетичный мипл-плейсмент, что в 2018 году доставать «Лордов Ватердипа» с полки кажется странным. Правда, игру очень сильно спасает эстетическая составляющая: вместо абстрактных камня и дерева вы собираете партии на квесты. Желтые кубики — файтеры, черные — воры, белые — клирики, фиолетовые — маги. Разумеется, магов и клириков всегда не хватает (или они обходятся дороже), поэтому собирать партию спеллкастеров всегда долго и неудобно — но и очков за их квест дают больше.

Немного разнообразия и взаимодействия добавляет игре одно из дополнений — Scundrels of Skullport. Теперь агентов можно отправлять в очень крутые здания в Скаллпорте, где дают много ресурсов, но это портит вашу репутацию, и придется вместе с ресурсами взять черепушку со специального трека. Величина урона репутации зависит от того, как много игроки пользовались Скаллпортом в течение партии: в конце игры за каждую пустую клетку на треке репутации каждый череп у вас в запасе будет приносить негативные очки. Можно очень круто насолить неосторожным оппонентам, играя специальные карты, взаимодействующие с треком репутации. А еще здесь можно играть за самого Занатара! Есть еще одно дополнение — Expedition to Undermountain — там тоже есть богатые ресурсами здания и очень дорогие квесты, которые приносят очень много победных очков, но принципиальных изменений в игровой процесс оно не привносит.

Солидный возраст Lords of Waterdeep чувствуется очень хорошо: тут и компоненты довольно простецкие, и игровой процесс без какой-либо «фишечки». С другой стороны, очень прямолинейные правила делают эту игру почти идеальным гейтвеем в еврогеймы. К тому же, игра обязательно понравится поклонникам Forgotten Realms!

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Освоение 3
Атмосфера 3
Реиграбельность 4
Взаимодействие 4
Стратегия 4

Lords of Waterdeep
  • Eric Belisle
  • Steven Belledin
  • Zoltan Boros
  • Tony Foti
  • Todd Harris
  • Ron Lemen
  • Patrick McEvoy
  • Jim Nelson
  • William O'Connor
  • Adam Paquette
  • Dave Rapoza
  • Mike Schley
  • Andrew Silver
  • Gábor Szikszai
  • Matias Tapia
  • Kevin Walker
  • Tyler Walpole
  • EricWilliams (I)
  • Matt Wilson (I)
  • Sam Wood
Publisher(s)Wizards of the Coast
Publication date2012
Genre(s)Dungeons & Dragons
Playing time60–120 Min
A game of Lords of Waterdeep

Lords of Waterdeep is a German-style board game designed by Peter Lee and Rodney Thompson and published by Wizards of the Coast in 2012. The game is set in Waterdeep, a fictional city in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. Players take the role of masked rulers of Waterdeep, deploying agents and hiring adventurers to complete quests and increase their influence over the city.

In 2013, Wizards of the Coast released the only expansion to date called Scoundrels of Skullport and an iOS version of the base game in collaboration with Playdek.

Gameplay overview[edit]

Lords of Waterdeep is a strategy board game for 2-5 players (up to 6 players with the expansion). Each player takes on the role of one of the masked Lords of Waterdeep: the secret rulers of the city, vying for the control of its treasures and resources.[1] The players use their agents to recruit adventurers to complete a number of quests, which earn rewards (usually victory points and other rewards) and increases that lord's influence over the city. The various adventurer resources, represented as orange, black, purple, and white cubes, are based on the four classic D&D character classes: fighters, rogues, mages, and clerics, respectively. There are also five different types of quests, each typically favoring one type of adventurer; they are Warfare, Skullduggery, Arcana, Piety, and Commerce, which has a focus on the in-game currency.

Each player is dealt one of the Lords of Waterdeep, which is kept face down. They are allowed to look at the Lord at any time. Each Lord gives a player points at the end of the game for completing certain types of quests or controlling buildings.

Lords of Waterdeep is primarily a worker placement game[2] with elements of card drafting[3]. Players place their agents on various spaces around the city which allows them to take actions like collect money (gold), gather adventurers (resources), draw or play Intrigue cards (single-use special abilities), or gain Quests (the fundamental way to earn Victory Points). After eight rounds of worker placements, the player with the most Victory Points wins the game.


Lords of Waterdeep includes:

  • a game board
  • a rulebook
  • 5 cardstock player mats
  • 121 Intrigue, Quest, and Role cards
  • 100 wooden cubes (white, black, orange, purple)
  • 5 agent meeples in five different colors (black, red, yellow, green, blue)
  • 2 meeples in White and Gray representing the Ambassador and Lieutenant
  • 5 score pieces (one of each color: black, red, yellow, green, blue)
  • card stock tiles and tokens representing buildings, gold coins, and victory points


Each color in the game represents a faction from the Forgotten Realms. The factions are as follows:

  • Yellow - Knights of the Shield
  • Black - City Guard
  • Blue - Silverstars
  • Green - Harpers
  • Red - Red Sashes
  • Gray (Expansion color) - Gray Hands

Scoundrels of Skullport[edit]

In August 2013 Wizards of the Coast released an expansion to the game titled Scoundrels of Skullport. It consists of two expansion modules – Undermountain and Skullport – that can be used to expand the base game separately or in tandem. The expansion has won the Dice Tower Award for Best Board Game Expansion of 2013.[4]


Scoundrels of Skullport includes:

  • 3 new game boards (Skullport, Undermountain and the corruption track),
  • 6 agent meeples for a new gray-colored faction called the Gray Hands
  • 1 more agent meeple for each of the colors from the base game (Black, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow)
  • 25 corruption tokens
  • 6 new Lords of Waterdeep cards
  • 50 new Intrigue cards
  • 60 new quest cards
  • 24 new building tiles
  • 16 adventure caravan tokens (4 for each of the four adventurer types, representing 5 adventurer cubes each)


Undermountain adds a new mechanic to the game in the form of placing resources on the game board spaces. This can be things like adventurers or even gold. Undermountain buildings are generally more rewarding than normal buildings. For example, one of the new buildings 'The Citadel of the Bloody Hand' gives the player 4 fighters when players use it (the owner gets 2 fighters) and then the player must place 1 fighter on 2 different spaces on the board. When a player puts an agent on a space where such resources have been placed, that player gets what the space would normally give them for placing there plus any resources that are on that space. Undermountain quests also tend to be very expensive, but also very rewarding, granting up to 40 victory points at once.

Skullport adds another new mechanic to the game called corruption. There is a game board for corruption called the corruption track. There are 25 corruption tokens in the game – one token at the -1 value with three tokens on the rest up to -9. At the end of the game each corruption players have is worth a number of points equal to the highest numbered empty corruption space. So if there is 1 corruption on -5 and no corruption on -4, all corruption tokens in players taverns are worth -4 points at the end of the game. Skullport buildings, like with Undermountain, can also yield greater resources than the base game building, but they tend to also give the player corruption tokens. However, some Skullport buildings and cards will allow a player to return corruption to the track or remove corruption from the game entirely.

The tearaways band wikipedia. Their greatest claim to fame is perhaps being the most unknown band to have a track ('Jessica Something') included on the '90s installment of the 3 volume 'Poptopia' power-pop primer compilation series. The band has remained only intermittently active throughout their entire existence, releasing records years apart and playing small local. 1) The Tearaways are a Santa Barbara, California-based power-pop band, most well known as part of a flourishing of indie pop bands from the 1990s that were defined by the Poptopia and International Pop Overthrow festivals.

Electronic versions[edit]

An iOS version of Lords of Waterdeep was developed by Playdek and released by Wizards of the Coast on November 21, 2013.[5] Versions for Android and Steam were released on September 1, 2017.[6]


According to Ben Kuchera of Penny Arcade, Lords of Waterdeep 'has players hiring adventurers and vying for control of a single city'.[7]

Erik Kain of Forbes said: 'for a quick, entertaining game that requires actual thought, you could do much worse. It may not satisfy your dice-rolling, dungeon-crawling needs, but it’s a wonderful game of intrigue in one of the Forgotten Realms' most notorious urban settings.'[8]

BGL have mentioned that the game 'strikes a great balance between a light strategic gameplay and accessibility'[9]

Andrew Zimmerman Jones of Black Gate commented: 'the folks over at Dungeons & Dragons have definitely come up with a quality product in Lords of Waterdeep. After years of being an Adventurer caught in the intrigues of others, it's nice to assume the role of puppet master.'[10]

DieHard GameFan said that 'If you're looking for a new board game for the family that sates your D&D craving with a nice Euro-style board game twist, definitely pick up Lords of Waterdeep.'[11]

Wired.com commented that 'Lords of Waterdeep is an immersive, satisfying worker placement Eurogame with a lot to offer.'[12]

Awards & Honors[edit]

  • 2013 Origins Awards Best Board Game Winner[13]
  • 2013 Origins Awards Best Board Game Nominee[13]
  • 2012 Meeples' Choice Nominee[14]
  • 2012 Guldbrikken Special Jury Prize Winner
  • 2012 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee[15]
  • 2012 Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee[16]
  • 2012 Golden Geek Best Board Game Artwork/Presentation Nominee[17]
  • 2012 ENnie for Best RPG Related Product Silver Winner[18]
  • 2012 ENnie for Best RPG Related Product Nominee[19]
  • 2012 Charles S. Roberts Best Science-Fiction or Fantasy Board Wargame Nominee


  1. ^'Lords of Waterdeep'. Archived from the original on 2014-07-15. Retrieved 2019-05-23.
  2. ^'Top 10 Worker Placement Games'. BoardGameGeek.com. Retrieved 2018-04-14.
  3. ^'Card Drafting Board Game Mechanic BoardGameGeek'. boardgamegeek.com. Retrieved 2019-11-20.
  4. ^'Dice Tower Awards 2013 - The Dice Tower'. Dicetower.com.
  5. ^'Victory is One Back Alley Deal Away With New Lords Of Waterdeep Mobile Game From Playdek and Wizards of the Coast'. Wizards of the Coast. November 21, 2013. Archived from the original on November 28, 2013. Retrieved December 13, 2013.
  6. ^'D&D Lords of Waterdeep Now Available on Steam and Google Play!'. Playdek. September 1, 2017. Retrieved September 11, 2017.
  7. ^'Dungeon Command is a pleasing mixture of Dungeons & Dragons miniatures and a tactical card game'. Penny Arcade. Archived from the original on 30 October 2013.
  8. ^Kain, Erik. ''Lords Of Waterdeep' Review: A Euro-Style Dungeons And Dragons Game'. Forbes.com.
  9. ^'Best 4 Player Board Games of 2019'. Board Games Land. 2019-09-29. Retrieved 2019-11-20.
  10. ^'Black Gate » Articles » Lords of Waterdeep: D&D's Newest Board Game Is a Hit'. Blackgate.com.
  11. ^'Tabletop Review: Dungeons & Dragons: Lords of Waterdeep Board Game - Diehard GameFAN 2018'. Diehardgamesfan.com. Retrieved 27 June 2019.
  12. ^Harrison, Michael (March 28, 2012). 'Lords of Waterdeep Game Brings Euro Flavor to the Forgotten Realms' – via www.wired.com.
  13. ^ ab'Origins Awards Winners Announced'. Boardgamequest.com. 16 June 2013.
  14. ^'2012 Meeples' Choice Awards – The Winners – Spiel: Boardgames in the UK'. Retrieved 2019-11-19.
  15. ^'2012 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee Board Game Honor BoardGameGeek'. boardgamegeek.com. Retrieved 2019-11-19.
  16. ^'2012 Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee Board Game Honor BoardGameGeek'. boardgamegeek.com. Retrieved 2019-11-19.
  17. ^'2012 Golden Geek Best Board Game Artwork/Presentation Nominee Board Game Honor BoardGameGeek'. boardgamegeek.com. Retrieved 2019-11-19.
  18. ^'Congratulations to the 2012 ENnie Award winners!'. Ennie-awards.com. 18 August 2012.
  19. ^'2012 Noms and Winners'. ENnie Awards. 2012-08-20. Retrieved 2019-11-19.

External links[edit]

  • Lords of Waterdeep at BoardGameGeek
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lords_of_Waterdeep&oldid=927184632'

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