Missing On Lost Island Season

Hello everyone! FireFlamerx9z here! This is going to be big project that I am looking forward to entertaining you guys with what I see the 7th season of Total Drama looking like! There are five things I need to make clear first.

I will focusing on trying to get everyone who was derailed in All-Stars back to the way they should have been. So if you see a lot of them in the first few episode, that's the reason.

'Moving on to Pahkitew Island, we have arguably, the favorite from that season, Jasmine! The host asked at a lost of words as the step brother hopped.

Several fanon couples will come to play in this fic. If you have a problem with the ones I choose, don't be a /censored/ about it! Canon couple will still be in play.

If you couldn't tell from what I said in number 2, this fic will contain so mild swearing, but heavier words will be written like this: /censored/

I will also be using inspirations from The Kobold Necromancer's and Stereotypical Vampire's stories, so if you two are reading this, thank you for the ideas!( I will credit you if I do something similar)

I own nothing!

Anyways let's get this party started!


(This shows when I am changing topics or locations and it's not with a team or ending confessionals)

Chris Mclean is shown walking down a dock on Pahkitew Island. The camera pans out to show a lot has changed since season 6. There are now cabins now along with a hotel. A mess hall is present as well. The island layout has changed as well. There's now a cliff that looks like then one from Wawanakwa along with a snowy mountain in near the back. Everything else was mostly the same. Camera then pans back to Chris.

'Welcome back to Total Drama!' Chris said to the camera. 'It's been a year since Total Drama Pahkitew Island and after Don aired his abomination of a show, I knew I needed to save you all with a new season of Total Drama! The best part is that I even stole got some of his contestants to come compete on my show!' Chris was still beaming as a sleek white yacht showed up. 'First up, we have Alejandro!' He said as the spaniard hopped off the boat, a jet black trunk being held in one hand.

'I have returned!' Alejandro said as he walked over to the host. 'I assume my dear Heather will competing again and if that if the case, I hope to have an actual working partnership.'

'Speaking of that, here comes Heather now!' Chris said will a smile. As if on cue, Heather jumped from her yacht, her famous sneer plastered on her face as she walked over to the host, bags in hand.

'You better watch yourself Chris!' Heather barked at the host. ' I am not going to be suckered again!' Chris rolled his eyes as he turned back to see who was on the next boat. He wasn't happy with who he saw.

'Next up is Duncan, he back after BLOWING UP MY COTTAGE!' Chris sneered at the juvie as he jumped off his boat with his classic duffel bag thrown over his shoulder, who walked past Chris while glaring at him.

'It was a MANSION!' Courtney said as she hopped off the same boat, shocking Chris.

'Why are you on the same boat as Duncan?' Chris asked, sounding very annoyed

'My boat's captain was drunk and crashed his boat, so Chef said to get on Duncan's because I was next,' Courtney responded as she trudged over to the other campers, who could only stare in disbelief.

'You have real problems if you are hiring drunk captains!' Duncan told the host, who only shrugged it off as he turned to introduce the next camper.

'Owen everyone!' Chris said as the loveable lug hopped off his boat.

'It's great to be back!' Owen said as he walked to Duncan and the two began to have a friendly chat.

'Gwen is also back!' Chris exclaimed as the goth walked down the dock, completely ignoring the host. She stood near Courtney and the two girls slowly began to talk.

'Bridgette, ladies and gentlemen!' The surfer girl had a surfboard in one hand and a blue bag in the other as she climbed off the boat. She started to walk over to the others but stopped when Chris stated who the next camper was.

'Next up is Geoff! You little traitor!' Chris screamed at the party boy as he got off the boat, confusing the others.

'I didn't betray anyone!' Geoff defended himself. Chris lowered his eyes at Geoff.

'You betrayed Total Drama! You won Don's show!' Chris ranted. 'At least Noah and Owen never won another show!'

'That may be true, but I still like the Race better,' Noah said as he hopped off his boat. Chris gasped and then grabbed Noah by his arm as he walked over to join the others.

'And why is that?' The narcissist host hissed in the snarker's face.

'It gave me a girlfriend,' Noah deadpanned.

'You got a girlfriend!' Chris said in shock. Most of the others just rolled their eyes.

'Did you even watch or do just hate it because it was stealing Total Drama's rating?' Noah asked the host, grinning.

'Oh, Burn!' Geoff hollered before the others burst into laughter. Chris continued to glare as Noah walked over to the others. However, before Chris could introduce the next camper, the boat came speeding towards the dock, causing several campers to move back. Thankfully, the boat stopped just in time, but sent Izzy flying out of the front of the boat.

'Ow!' The crazy redhead moaned as she stood up. 'That was fun! Can I do it again?' She asked Chris, who nervously shook his head. Izzy frowned and walked over to join the rest of campers.

'Why the heck was her boat going so fast?' Gwen asked in panic.

'The captain was so drunk, he was puking everywhere!' Izzy said, happy as ever.

'God Chris, what is wrong with you!?' Geoff asked in shock. Everyone glared at Chris, who just shrugged it off.

'Harold is also back everyone!' Chris stated as the uber nerd hopped off his boat.

'You're looking at this season's winner!' Harold as he strutted over to the others, only be tripped by Duncan. 'Gosh! When are you going to stop making my life suck!' He said to his long time rival.

'When you can prove that you're not a total loser,' The criminal responded, leaving Harold to glare at him.

'Next on our list is Ezekiel, who is now back to normal!' The host stated, still a little shaken up from Izzy.

'Good be back to normal, eh' The prairie boy said as he walked over to the others, doing his best to ignore the girls glaring at him.

Confessional (It's the outhouse for anyone who was wondering!)

Ezekiel- 'I knew this was gonna happen! All of the girls are mad because of those things ey said back in season one! Ey've changed!' He sighs.

Bridgette- 'I overheard Ezekiel's confessional and I'm so proud of him! Maybe I can get to know him a little better!'


'Next on our bucket list of campers from the first generation is DJ!' Chris said as the brickhouse hopped off his boat.

'What up man,' DJ said as he gave Chris a high five.

'Last up is LeShawna!' The host said as the sista with 'tude hopped of her boat.

'What up y'all!' LeShawna said as she high-fived several of the others until she stopped near Gwen and Bridgette. The two greeted her and started to chat together.

'Moving on to the second generation, we have the runner-up of All-Stars, Zoey!' Chris said as the indie chick hopped off her boat, nervously waving to the first gen cast. As she walked by him, Duncan stopped her.

'What's that on your finger?' The delinquent asked. Zoey grinned as she showed him her hand, it was a diamond ring.

'He asked you!' Gwen said, smiling. She didn't want to show it but she was happy for her friend.

'Yes! Mike proposed!' Zoey answered happily. Several contestants began to congratulate her.


Zoey- She is smiling and looks like she can barely keep from squealing like a pig. 'After Total Drama All-Stars, Mike bought a ring using his winning and proposed to me! He was probably the only thing I liked while I was on the show.'

Harold- Zoey is friends with DUNCAN! I didn't watch all of All-Stars, the season was really bad, but those two shoulder not be friends!' The nerd thought of something. 'Maybe I can open her eyes to that jerk!'


While the others continued to tell Zoey how happy they are for her. Chris just rolled his eyes. However he grinned when he saw who was next.

'Anne Maria, ladies and gentlemen!' Chris said as Anne Maria hopped off her boat. Quickly, she chucked her bag at Zoey, knocking her over.

'OW!' Zoey groaned as she tried to push the bag off, to no avail. 'What was that for!?'

'For stealing Vito! Ya better watch your back, red!' Anne Maria threatened Zoey before walking off in another direction, leaving Duncan and Gwen to help their friend back up. Chris on the other hand, was more focused on the next boat.

'Next, we have everyone's favorite scheming dirt farmer Scott!' Chris said as Scott jumped off the boat, stuff in hand. He walked over to Courtney and smiled. Much to Chris' shock, the CIT did the same.


Courtney- 'In between seasons, Scott and I talked things over and made up!' She smiled. 'Now, I have an ally right out of the gate!'

Scott- 'Courtney was the only girlfriend I've had that my mom was actually O.K with so I had to make with her somehow!' He smiled. 'Maybe she'll help me take down any of my enemies who show up!'


'Next camper is a surprising fan favorite, Dawn!' Chris said. The aura girl walked over to the others without a word.

Founded 2015 in Essen, germany, we released our first game Ben and Ed the same year. As a team of 6 game design students, Sluggerfly already existed from 2009-2010. Ben and ed demo. We are Sluggerfly, a small, independent game development studio.

'O.K,' Chris said annoyed. 'Next up, we have B!' Chris said as the silent inventor hopped off his boat. 'Still not much of a talker are you?' B shook his head.

'B never talks, it's written clearly in his aura,' Dawn piped up. Chris frowned.

'Well, I'm going make you talk at some point this season. I promise you that!' Chris vowed. B shrugged and grabbed his stuff from the boat.

'Wannabe villain, Jo!' Chris announced as the jockette hopped of her boat. She wasn't happy with her description from Chris and glared him down.

'I am not a wannabe! I'm nothing like that loser, Max!' Jo snarled at the host, who just shrugged. Annoyed, Jo walked over to the rest of the campers and crossed her arms.

'The final camper from Revenge of Island is Brick!' Chris declared as the cadet hopped of the boat.

'Great to be back!' Brick said as he give a salute. As soon as he saw Jo, he changed his tone.

'Not happy to see you, General Drippy,' Jo sneered at the cadet, glaring at him. Brick returned the glare.

'Feelings mutual,' Brick sneered back. The duo continued to stare at each other as Brick walked down the dock, leaving everyone else feeling uncomfortable.


'O..K,' The host said, trying to get everyone attention from the two rivals. 'Moving on to Pahkitew Island, we have arguably, the favorite from that season, Jasmine! Back after being duped by Sugar,' He stated as the Amazon Aussie jumped off her boat with her back, not looking happy.

'She better not be back this time!' Jasmine hissed, putting major emphasis on the word not.

'Don't worry, there is no way she is coming back,' Chris told her, causing Jasmine to grin. 'No one deserves to hear anyone talk like that for a whole half an hour,' He added

'Wha are ya talkin' about!' Sugar cried as she came off of Jasmine's boat, startling Chris and Jasmine.

'Gah! What are you doing here?' Chris asked.

'I demand to be let back on this here show!' Sugar whined as she started to walk down the dock.

'CHEF!' Chris shouted into a walkie-talkie. 'CODE SUGAR!' Out of nowhere, Chef came running down the dock, grabbed Sugar by her waist and threw her over his shoulder.

'Oh Fish Nuggets!' Sugar moaned as Chef hauled her off. [1] A horn sounded as the next boat came to the dock, taking Chirs and the camper's off the pageant wannabe.

'Everyone's favorite fighting twin sisters, Amy and Samey!' Chris said. Sure enough, twins were arguing, shouting insults at each other, and pulling each others hair. 'Both of you save the fighting for the game, we need it for ratings,' He said to the twins.

'Sure thing Chris!' Amy said, in fake politeness. Samey just glared at her before walking over to Jasmine, who was also glaring at Amy. The next boat came speeding towards the dock, but unlike Izzy's, the captain didn't stop the boat in time and destroyed a good chunk of the dock and got Chris and several of the campers wet.

'Sorry about that,' The boat's passenger's Rodney said to the rest of the cast. 'The captain had more then a few,' The campers all gasped and glared Chris down, who payed them no mind at all.

'Great! Now my hair's all wet,' Chris moaned.

'You're kidding, right?' Noah asked. 'That captain was drunk, the dock is destroyed, some of us could have died and all you care about is your wet hair!' The rest of campers didn't talk, but it was clear they were on Noah's side as most of them were either nodding their heads or still glaring at the host.

'We'll be right back….' Chris said as the camera cut a to a technical difficulties commercial, picturing Izzy running around like a loon, breaking all the cameras as Chef ran after her.

'That was weird,' Scott said as the camera cut back to the campers, revealing that they had since the whole thing.

'I think it's great!' Izzy said. This caused Duncan, Noah, and Courtney to roll their eyes.

'Moving to the next camper we have the first person to want to take my job, Topher!' The host said as the wannabe host hopped off his boat. Flashing a smile as he walked over to the rest the group, he stood next to Gwen before winking at her. Gwen responded to his by shoving him into the water.


Duncan- That ruled! After rewatching All-Stars, I realized what an idiot I was with Gwen, I going to try and win her back this time!


'Watch the hair!' Topher whined.

'Yep, totally a Chris wannabe,' Noah said, causing a few contestants to start chuckling. Chris only groaned.

'Moving on, here is Max,' Chris stated.

'EVIL will win and you will all be my slaves!' Max said as he walked over to the rest of the cast. Unfortunately, he made the choice of standing next to Duncan, who swiftly picked him up and gave him a wedgie. This got several contestants to burst into laughter.

'Our final contestant from season 6 is….SCARLETT?!' Chris panicked as did several campers. Even those that didn't compete knew Scarlett was bad news.

'Don't worry,' Scarlett assured the cast. 'My guards called the producers and told them I was rehabilitated. I won't try to murder anyone again.'

'O.K then! You can go over by the others,' Chris said, almost a little too cheerful. He also continued to smile as Scarlett walked down the dock, ignoring the terrified faces from the other campers.

'Moving on the the Ridonculous Race, we have someone you could possible be Courtney's twin sister, Emma!' Chris said as the law student steps off of her boat. Emma walks over to the Noah and what the cynic does next shocks the narcissistic host of the show. Noah gives Emma a quick kiss on the cheek.

'THAT'S you girlfriend!?' Chris said in shock. He was expecting a lazy nerd as Noah's mystery girlfriend, not a very attractive lawyer.

'Seriously, watch the show!' Noah said to the host. Chris glared at him but said nothing.

'Next up we have Emma's actual sister, Kitty!' The host announced as Kitty hopped off of the boat. Chris was expecting the Ridonculous Race constants to fawn all over him, but was shocked when, instead, Kitty walked over to Zoey.

'Could I take a picture with you? I'm a really big fan!' Kitty said to the former contestant.

'Sure! I love too!' Zoey responded, clearly flattered. Chris was fuming but chose to ignore it and introduce the next camper.

'Geoff's best bro, Brody!' The narcissistic host said as the surfer dude hopped off of his boat. Quickly he ran up to his best friend and shared a high five with him and his girlfriend. Geoff quickly began introducing him to Duncan, DJ, and Owen.

'It's awesome to meet you dudes! Geoff has told me so much about you guys!' Brody said happily as he exchanged high fives.

'Same to you,' Duncan laughed. 'Man, this season is way better than prison!' His happy mood went away when he saw that the next camper was dressed in a police uniform.

'Police cadet, MacArthur!' Chris said as the lady cop hopped off her boat. Almost on instinct, she ran down the dock and tackled Duncan.

'Hey! I haven't done anything morally wrong yet!' The delinquent defended himself from under the massive police lady.

'Yet being the key word,' Noah said, earning a giggle from his girlfriend.

'You better watch you back, criminal!' MacArthur told Duncan as she got off of him.

'Oooo, tension! My favorite!' Chris said as the camera moved to show Duncan and MacArthur looking away from each other with their arms crossed. The camera then cut back to Chris as he introduced the next camper. 'Lorenzo! Um.why are you here?' The host asked at a lost of words as the step brother hopped down from his boat.

'Simple! Chet and I were playing truth or dare and the loser had to audition for the show!' Lorenzo responded with a chuckle.

'Why not the winner of the game!' Chris asked through gritted teeth.

'Because we liked the show and we both knew you were an obnoxious, self-centered, narcissist host and the food sucks,' Lorenzo said. Chris just stood in shock as the newbie walked over to the others.

'I think you and I will get along just fine!' Duncan cackled. Chris managed to collect himself in order to introduce the next camper.

'Leonard's loser best friend, Tammy!' Chris said. The LARPer jumped off her boat and didn't looking happy with Chris.

'You will regret that when the great dragon lord takes the throne!' Tammy protested. Chris and several others just rolled their eyes as the odd girl walked past.

'Next is up is Mary!' Chris said as the genius girl jumped off her own yacht.'

'Hello, fellow competitors, I look foward the defeating you all in this game of wits.' Mary said to the rest of her campers. This earned a chuckle out of Jo.


Jo- If pinocchio and viking girl think they have a chance at winning this game, they may as well just vote themselves out!


'Our last camper from Total Drama Revenge of Pahkitew Island is Rock!' Chris said as the rock star wannabe hopped off of the yacht.

'This is so heavy, I'm standing in front of celebrities!' Rock marveled as he walked over to the join the rest of the cast.

'O.K!' Chris said. 'It's time to go over the rules for this season! But first, I thought I would give you a tour of the island!' The camera cut to show the campers at the at bonfire area. 'This is the elimination area where one of you will sent home every night!'

'And what horrible elimination method have you come up with this time?' Noah sarcastically asked.

'Unfortunately, we are reusing the Boat of Losers because of legal issues.' Chris sighed. All the contestants began to cheer.

'Thank GOD!' Gwen cheered. 'I was worried you were going to bring back the Flush of Shame.' She said shuddering at the name, as did Scott, Courtney, and Jo. The camera then cuts to the cabins and the spa hotel.

'As you can see, we brought the hotel from Total Drama All-Stars back!' Chris stated. 'We had to make a new one, but the cabins are all original!' Several contestants began to look inside the cabins(there are two of them), but were shocked to find the wall that would have separated the boys from the girls was missing.

'Chris!' Heather shouted at the host. 'You better not be forcing us to sleep with the opposite gender!'

'Relax!' Chris assured her. 'That ties in with the big twist/gimmick of this season! There are no official teams this season!' All of the gasped at hearing their would be no teams. 'Instead,' Chris continued. 'You will get new teams every episode until the merge! Not only will this cause drama, but it will force you all to talk to new people.' Some contestants like Geoff, Owen, and Kitty looked stoked. Other like Heather, Alejandro, Jo, and Amy looked like less then thrilled. 'If there are more then 2 teams in a challenge, only the team that finishes first gets the spa for the night!' Chris declared. 'As for the losers, boys get the cabin on the left and girls get the cabin on the right.' The camera then cut to the inside of the mess hall.

'So, what are you going to feed us?' Gwen asked the host. 'Barbecued /censored/!?' All of the Ridonculous Race contestants looked horrified at hearing what they may need to eat, with the exception of Emma, Kitty, and Lorenzo.


Emma- 'Before Kitty and I came, Noah and Owen made us sit through all of the episodes of the show. It was a long week, but it was SO worth it to hear Noah sing!'

Lorenzo- 'Chet and I both love this show! It's another thing we figured out we had in common when we got home, so I know my way around this place!' He just sat for a few seconds from realizing something. 'Maybe I can hook myself up with my crush! That was what Chet and I wanted to do most if we ever came on the show! Chet, if your watching, I'll put in a good word with Ella if I see her!'


'Sadly the producer told me that I can't serve you things that aren't food, so you are all stuck with gruel or food from the hotel,' Chris sighed. All of the contestant burst into cheers, leaving Chris even more upset as he continued. 'They also said that if I want to keep doing moderately dangerous challenges, I need to give you all the proper care. I'm also supposed to be nicer to you, but we all know that's never going to happen.'

'That's happening would be like if Owen went a full day without eating,' Tyler stated. The camera moved to show Owen chowing down on a hoagie.

'So when are you going to give us our first challenge?' Amy asked.

'I was getting to that,' Chris said as he pulled out a remote and then hit a button on it. Suddenly the island started shaking. Several contestants started to panic.

'Chris McLean has doomed us all! He has released the Kraken!' Izzy cried out as she ran around in panic. [2]

'Tsunami!' Harold yelled.

'Earthquake!' Amy shouted. Rodney, who was standing near her, began to see hearts heart and cherubs around her.


Rodney- 'Amy and I have something really special. I know we broke up last season, but I believe it is time to get back together!'


As the contestants continued to panic, a crack formed along the island surface, eventually turning into a giant canyon. Six stone slabs also popped out of the ground as did several wheelbarrows. Ignoring the panicking contestants, Chris turned to the camera.

'How will of this turn out? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Revenge of Pahkitew Island!' He said with the camera moving back each time.

[1]- This was used in Stereotypical Vampire's story, Total Drama Unfinished Business, when Sugar wanted to back on the show, much like what I did here

[2]- This also came from Total Drama Unfinished Business and it was so funny, I couldn't not put it in.

The drunk captains were also from Total Drama Unfinished Business(Go read that story!). I thought it would be nice foreshadowing of something I've plans for later on it story, that will happen to Chris.

Walt Lloyd
Lost character
First appearance'Pilot, Part 1'
Last appearance'The New Man in Charge'
Created by
Portrayed byMalcolm David Kelley
Full nameWalter Lloyd
RelativesMichael Dawson (father)
Sydney, Australia

Walter 'Walt' Lloyd is a fictional character portrayed by Malcolm David Kelley in the American ABC television series Lost. The series follows the lives of over forty survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Walt is introduced in the pilot episode as one of the survivors aboard the plane, which crashes onto the island where most of the program takes place. He is the 10-year-old son of Michael Dawson (played by Harold Perrineau).

Walt appears in thirty episodes of Lost; 27 in seasons one and two as a series regular, and three more episodes as a guest star. He also features in the Lost epilogue 'The New Man in Charge'. Throughout the series, he is the only child main character. Initially, Walt and Michael have a dysfunctional father-son relationship, causing Walt to form friendships with other survivors, such as Locke and Sun. Walt leaves the island on a raft with Michael and two other survivors during the episode 'Exodus', but is kidnapped by a group of hostile island inhabitants known as the Others. Walt is then released by the Others in the episode 'Live Together, Die Alone', who claim that he was 'more than [they] could handle',[1] and he and Michael leave the island at the end of season two.

When originally developed, Lost's creators intended for Walt to display supernatural powers, such as the ability to summon animals through telepathy, but when Kelley had aged significantly for him to no longer convincingly look ten years old, the character's arc was changed and Walt was written out of the show. After auditioning many children for the part, Kelley was hired by the program's producers, who had been impressed by his performance in the 2002 film Antwone Fisher.


Before the crash[edit]

Walt as a baby with his father Michael

Walt is the 10-year-old son of Michael Dawson, a construction worker and part-time artist. He was born August 24, 1994, and is named after Michael's father, Walter. His mother is Susan Lloyd, a law student, who refused to marry Michael.

When offered a job in Amsterdam, Susan persuades Michael to let her take Walt with her while he is still a baby. Two weeks before Walt's second birthday, Susan tells Michael that she and her boss, Brian Porter, are planning to get married and will be moving to Rome, Italy, at the end of the month. A legal battle ensues between Walt's parents. Several months later, they settle their dispute amicably and Michael lets Susan keep Walt with her.

Eight years later, Susan dies in Australia due to a 'blood disorder'. Brian pleads with Michael to take custody of the boy and even gives him tickets for the flight to Sydney and back, plus money for travel expenses. Brian reveals that he had never wanted to adopt Walt and that he is scared of him. When Michael arrives in Australia to collect Walt, he does not take too well to him. Michael spares Walt's feelings by telling him that Brian wants to keep him, but that it is up to Michael and he has decided to take him.[2]

After the crash[edit]

Soon after the crash, Walt is left under the care of different people due to Michael's involvement in helping other survivors—in particular, Walt spends time with John Locke. He is intrigued by Locke's hunting instincts, and constantly tries to sneak away with him, always unsuccessfully. He sneaks away with Locke and Boone, and exhibits a natural talent in knife throwing. Michael soon arrives and is enraged, taking Walt away from them and forbidding him to see Locke again. Walt takes Vincent, the dog, and leaves camp, heading into the jungle, where he encounters a polar bear. He is rescued by Michael and Locke.[2]

Michael begins constructing a raft to leave the island, and finishes it after a few days. Walt secretly sets alight to it, completely destroying it.[3] Later, Walt confesses to burning the original raft, explaining that he did not want to leave the island, but decides they need to leave.[4] The next morning, Walt gives Vincent to Shannon before he leaves on the raft with Michael, Jin and Sawyer. That night, however, they encounter the Others, who kidnap Walt.[5] Walt remains in captivity with the Others, but frequently appears to Shannon.[6] In the mobisode 'Room 23' it is revealed Walt posed a greater threat to the Others than they had expected, as he had been doing something unspecified that frightened them so that they would not go in to see him. Ben responds to a particular situation with a blaring alarm and people in commotion, and Juliet suggests that Ben take responsibility of the situation and bring Walt back to Michael.

As Michael is inspecting the technical equipment inside the hatch, he unexpectedly receives a message that he believes is from Walt.[7] Michael is briefly reunited with Walt after he is brought to the Others' camp.[8] Later, Michael returns with Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley, in an exchange for Walt and their freedom. Walt waits in a boat, and he and Michael sail off.[1]

After the island[edit]

While off the island, Walt learns that Michael killed Ana-Lucia and Libby and decided to live at his grandmother's house so as not to speak or have anything to do with his father.[9]

In 'The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham', Walt is shown to be living in New York City. He is visited by Locke, using a wheelchair at that point, having returned from the Island. Locke does not ask Walt to return to the Island as he does with the rest of the Oceanic returnees, as he felt that the boy had been through enough already.[10] In 'There's No Place Like Home', after being visited by Locke, Walt visits Hurley at the Santa Rosa Mental Institution with his grandmother. He asks Hurley why the Oceanic Six are lying and is told that they're lying to protect the people left behind on the island. Walt is under the assumption that his father is still alive and living on the island.[11] In 'The End', Lost's final episode, neither Walt nor Michael feature among the main characters moving on to the afterlife. However, in the 12-minute epilogue to the series, 'The New Man in Charge' (included on the DVD box set), Ben and Hurley visit Walt in the mental hospital that Hurley had previously been in. Ben promises Walt he can 'help his father,' even though they both know Michael is dead. Hurley and Ben take Walt 'home' to the Island, where Hurley promises him he will have a 'job'.


Walt is a bit uneasy initially after being left with his father. He spends most of season 1 dodging his father and exploring the island with his dog, Vincent.


Many children were seen for the role of Walt. They were narrowed down to a top three, with Malcolm David Kelley winning the part after the producers were impressed with his role in the 2002 film Antwone Fisher.[12]

When Kelley was originally cast, the character of Walt was a 10-year-old boy, but, after two seasons, Kelley no longer looked 10. While the first four seasons move slowly through time and only months have passed on the show, the actual filming stretched over several years. The show's writers dealt with this by sending Michael and Walt away from the island at the end of the second season. In his brief appearance at the end of season three, Kelley is noticeably taller and older with a deeper voice. This fact is acknowledged by Locke in 'Confirmed Dead'. In the season four episode, 'Meet Kevin Johnson', Kelley makes a brief uncredited cameo as Walt in the episode's flashbacks. Make-up and CGI were used to make Kelley look younger and more like a 10-year-old.[13] In the season four finale, 'There's No Place Like Home', Walt appears in a flash-forward, but this scene is set about three years after the plane crash, so Kelley's older appearance is not a problem. When asked about the production difficulties associated with Walt and possible appearances of the character in the fourth season, co-creator Damon Lindelof stated: 'We've always known Malcolm was going to grow faster than we could shoot the show. And we planned for it. Trust us. Please trust us. You'll see [Walt] again. But you're gonna have to be patient. Sorry.'[14]

'We sort of have ideas. 'Gee, Walt's reading a comic book about polar bears, and a polar bear shows up.' Or, 'Walt is reading a book about birds, and a bird flies into the window.' I know what I mean by it, but I think when the audience starts getting disconnected is when you tell them what to think, which is: Walt is psychic.'

Executive producer Damon Lindelof on developing Walt[15]

When the Lost producers were developing the character of Walt, they initially intended for him to display supernatural powers by summoning animals[16]—in the episode 'Special', it is suggested that Walt is able both to cause a bird to fly into a window and make a polar bear attack him through telepathy.[15] This is also alluded to in 'Live Together, Die Alone', when Ben describes Walt as being 'more than [the Others] could handle'.[1] Kelley himself was also under the impression that his character possessed 'magic powers',[17] but after he had aged significantly enough for him to look no longer ten years old, the writers' plans were changed, and Walt was written out at the end of season two.[1]

Walt returned to Lost in 'The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham', when Locke visits him in New York. Kelley had stated a willingness to return to the show again,[17]which was realized in 'The New Man in Charge'.


Walt's only centric episode was the season one episode, 'Special', which received positive reviews from critics. Chris Carabott of IGN described the relationship 'or lack thereof' between Walt and his father as 'heart wrenching'.[18] Kirthana Ramisetti of Entertainment Weekly stated that it was 'interesting' to discover that 'Walt is 'different' and has special powers'.[19] She also named the scene of Walt and Michael reading letters towards the end of the episode as 'one of [her favorites] of the entire season'.[19]

For his performance as Walt, Kelley won the award for Best Supporting Performance in a TV Series (Comedy or Drama) at the 2006 Young Artist Awards.[20] He had been nominated for the Leading Performance award in the same category the previous year.[20] He also co-won the 2005Screen Actors Guild Award for 'Best Ensemble – Drama Series.[21]


  1. ^ abcdJack Bender (director); Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse (writers) (2006-05-24). 'Live Together, Die Alone'. Lost. Season 2. Episode 23. ABC.
  2. ^ abGreg Yaitanes (director); David Fury (writer) (2005-01-19). 'Special'. Lost. Season 1. Episode 14. ABC.
  3. ^Tucker Gates (director); Javier Grillo-Marxuach & Leonard Dick (writers) (2005-02-23). '..In Translation'. Lost. Season 1. Episode 17. ABC.
  4. ^Tucker Gates (director); Javier Grillo-Marxuach (story), Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz (teleplay) (2005-05-11). 'Born To Run'. Lost. Season 1. Episode 22. ABC.
  5. ^Jack Bender (director); Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse (writers) (2005-05-25). 'Exodus: Part 2'. Lost. Season 1. Episode 24. ABC.
  6. ^Adam Davidson (director); Elizabeth Sarnoff (writer) (2005-11-09). 'Abandoned'. Lost. Season 2. Episode 6. ABC.
  7. ^Paul Edwards (director); Steven Maeda & Craig Wright (writers) (2005-11-30). 'What Kate Did'. Lost. Season 2. Episode 9. ABC.
  8. ^Stephen Williams (director); Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz (writers) (2006-05-17). 'Three Minutes'. Lost. Season 2. Episode 22. ABC.
  9. ^Stephen Williams (director); Elizabeth Sarnoff & Brian K. Vaughan (writers) (2008-03-20). 'Meet Kevin Johnson'. Lost. Season 4. Episode 8. ABC.
  10. ^Jack Bender (director); Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof (writers) (2009-02-25). 'The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham'. Lost. Season 5. Episode 7. ABC.
  11. ^Jack Bender (director); Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof (writers) (2008-05-29). 'There's No Place Like Home: Part 2'. Lost. Season 4. Episode 13/14. ABC.
  12. ^Lost: The Complete First Season (DVD). 'Departure: Before They Were Lost' featurette, disc 7: Buena Vista. September 6, 2005.CS1 maint: location (link)
  13. ^Birnbaum, Debra, ed. (April 7, 2008). 'Hollywood 411: Lost: Malcolm David Kelley interview'. TV Guide. Radnor Township: Gemstar. ISSN0039-8543. OCLC1585969.
  14. ^Goldman, Eric (October 8, 2007). 'Lost looks to the Future'. IGN. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
  15. ^ abLost: The Complete First Season(Flash video) (DVD). 'Tales From the Island: Lost on Location – 'Special'' featurette, disc 7: Buena Vista. September 6, 2005.CS1 maint: location (link)
  16. ^'The Lostpedia Interview:David Fury'. Lostpedia. 20 May 2008. Retrieved March 2011.Check date values in: accessdate= (help)
  17. ^ abDos Santos, Kristin; Jennifer Godwin (2009-02-26). 'Lost: Malcolm David Kelley Scripts His Own Return'. E! Online. Retrieved 2009-02-27.
  18. ^Carabott, Chris (September 13, 2008). 'Lost Flashback: 'Special' Review'. San Francisco: IGN. Retrieved April 2, 2012.
  19. ^ abRamisetti, Kirthana (January 19, 2005). 'Walt on the Wild Side'. Entertainment Weekly. New York City: Time. ISSN1049-0434. OCLC778943042. Retrieved April 2, 2012.
  20. ^ ab'26th Annual Young Artist Awards – Nominations / Special Awards'. Youngartistawards.org. 2006. Retrieved March 29, 2012.
  21. ^'Screen Actors Guild Honors Outstanding Film and Television Performances in 13 Categories at the 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards'. Screen Actors Guild Awards. January 29, 2006. Archived from the original on August 10, 2007. Retrieved March 29, 2012.

External links[edit]

  • Walt Lloyd on Lostpedia, an external wiki
  • Walt Lloyd at Lost Wikia
  • Seasonal promotional photographs for Walt Lloyd at Lost-Media
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Walt_Lloyd&oldid=951609987'

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